Guiaderodas, the certification for accessibility and inclusion 
The goal is to ensure that all people, with or without disabilities, can visit any location and develop their potential with comfort, safety, and autonomy.
World population aging and the importance of accessibility
The lack of accessibility can be a barrier to healthy and active aging, as well as to participation in society and the economy.
Link School of Business is the first college to achieve the Wheelguide Certification
Administration school with an emphasis on entrepreneurship received recognition for good accessibility practices on Thursday
Cielo, a leader in the electronic payments segment in Latin America, achieves the Guiaderodas Certification
Cielo takes important steps towards accessibility and inclusion. Eliminating architectural and attitudinal barriers leads to the understanding that accessibility is a continuous exercise.
Bruno Mahfuz – founder of Wheelguide – is recognized as a Meaningful Business 100 Leader for 2020
Dormitórios acessíveis devem seguir algumas diretrizes para garantir a segurança e o conforto dos usuários.
Guiaderodas is on the list – 100 Startups to Watch
Guiaderodas é indicado como uma das 100 Startups para os investidores ficarem de olho